DC Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement


The Pathways Program is a transitional employment program that aims to decrease participants’ involvement in the criminal justice system and improve their employment, education and training outcomes for individuals who have been identified as being at risk of participating in, and/or being victims of violent crime.

Medstar Washington Hospital Center

MedStar Health

The DC Hospital Based Violence Intervention Program provides services to individuals, and their families, who have experienced a life-threatening intentional injury. The DC HVIP partners engage with victims and their families while they are in the hospital recovering to create a support system that can lead to long-term change.

DC Department of Parks and Recreation


DPR Roving Leaders Program is to prevent, neutralize, and control hostile behavior in youth and youth groups through the development of positive relationships between teens/youth and outreach workers.

DC Metropolitan Police Department


The Metropolitan Police Department is the agency responsible for transferring and registering firearms in the District of Columbia. The Firearms Safety Training Program will provide information needed to comply with the District’s laws regarding proper transfer, registration, and safekeeping of a weapon.

Alliance of Concerned Men


ACM aims to save lives of at-risk youth residing in high crime areas in Metro Washington DC by promoting fatherhood; strengthening families; and improving the quality of life of those who are incarcerated.

Cure the Streets

Cure The Streets

Cure the Streets (CTS) is a public safety pilot program working to reduce violence in the District by using a data-driven, public-health approach to treat violence as a disease that can be interrupted, treated, and stopped from spreading in some of the highest rates of gun violence in Wards 5, 7 and 8.

Training Grounds, Inc.

Training Grounds

TGI aims to assist youth and adults with personal, career and leadership development through various trainings, programs and collaborations by preparing economically disadvantaged individuals for living wage careers and self-sufficiency to empower high poverty, high crime and socioeconomically challenged communities.

The TraRon Center


The TraRon Center exposes gun violence survivors to therapeutic modalities that may be absent from their current grieving and coping methods by equipping survivors with strategies to healthfully endure the complexities of loss- while promoting community health and solidarity.